Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Voices from the 9th

Here are some of Gretchen's thoughts on the conversations she's been having with voters of the 9th District (as part of the 9 for the 9th phone blitz):

"People are very concerned about the direction this country is going. One person was particularly worried about the telephone being monitored, about the Patriot Act and the demise of our country.

Another was very worried about the election process. He was in full agreement with what I want to do once I get to Congress. We must repair our wounded election process. We need a paper trail-- every vote must count. He and I chatted about how change must come from the ground level-- it must happen locally. I told him about how, once I get to Congress, I want to come back to the community to show just how much our election process really is in peril. I plan to hold hearings about this issue back in the 9th.

I also have talked about the war-- how endless resources are being thrown away in Iraq. We made a huge mistake going to war against the Iraqis. One fellow was particularly distraught about the number of innocent Iraqi women and children who have died. He had read in one paper an estimate that over 45,000 people have died. One person wanted us to quit spending all that money in Iraq and spend it back here in this country.

The Abramoff scandal was brought up a number of times. It will be interesting to see how many people he brings down with him. The level of corruption is perhaps the worst this country has seen so far, at least on the domestic front. Our 9 for the 9th campaign feels very good indeed.

One woman was concerned about the unfunded No Child Left Behind Act. She was a teacher, who has been rifted 4 times in the past few years. The administrators and other teachers support her but whether she has a job or not each year is always in doubt. She says it is very hard to keep up her morale.

Another person was very concerned about the Democratic Party itself. He said he loved the party and did not want to leave it but that it was becoming more and more difficult to tell the difference between the Republicans and Democrats. He was not alone. I heard this over and over throughout the evening."

OK, blog readers: if there are issues you want to hear Gretchen talk about, post a comment. Or if you want to say why you support her in her efforts to take back the 9th District, let us know that as well!


Blogger Eric said...

I'm not the candidate, but I think (based on my conversations with Gretchen Clearwater) that she would be open to debating Mr. Hill anywhere, at any time.

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment about dems looking more and more like republicans. maybe that's why we're not gaining much ground as the republicans do themselves in. Looks to me like Clearwater is standing out.

8:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that Clearwater stands out. That's why I'm actively supporting her campaign. I believe that if voters all across the 9th District knew about her, she'd win easily - even though they call this a "red" district. Her uniqueness cuts across party lines.

If you agree with me, I challenge you to get involved in her campaign too. Volunteer time is good, but if you don't have time we need money too.

10:07 AM  

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