Monday, December 12, 2005

Gretchen in Scott County

Gretchen went to Scott County on Sunday, December 11th, to attend a 9th District Committee meeting.

It was great fun talking to Democrats from all over the district-- just seeing so many energized Democrats ready to take back our district from the Republicans was very exciting.

It was also good to hear that the Democratic National Committee has identified the Indiana 9th as one of the most important districts in the '06 elections and has committed a lot of resources to electing a Democrat here.

Gretchen addressed the gathering and gave a rousing speech about why she's running.

Campaign manager Shodo Spring also talked about why Democrats should not be afraid of a good, clean, contested primary-- that such a primary will energize voters in the district to turn out in November for the primary winner.

Gretchen's opponent in the primary campaign, Baron Hill, also attended the meeting and gave a speech.

Scottsburg seemed like a really charming, lovely town-- hopefully we'll be back there before the campaign is over.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

International Human Rights Day

Gretchen attended the march and rally commemorating International Human Rights Day, the anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The focus of the rally was on workers' right to organize, a right which has been under attack lately. There was much discussion of the proposed bill to restore workers' rights. One way to get this bill passed is to replace one definite "no" vote (Mike Sodrel) with one certain "yes" vote (Gretchen)!

Here's a picture of Gretchen posing with Eleanor Roosevelt: