Saturday, March 25, 2006

Yard Signs Sprouting Up All Over

Every day, it seems like the yard signs are multiplying. They're blue, they're pretty, they're THE style for this spring. And best of all? We deliver! Just contact the campaign to get yours.

This is definitely a Clearwater street-- did the yardsigns reproduce?

The latest polls indicate that snowmen and snowwomen support Gretchen Clearwater... If the snowmen don't last till May 2nd, at least the yardsign will! Get yours today!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Updates and fundraising plea

Lots going on in the coming weeks:

Next week, catch Gretchen on WFHB radio 91.3 on Tuesday at 6:00.

Then, come to the benefit concert featuring two awesome Bluegrass / Old Time bands at the Monroe County Historical Museum. 8:00, Friday the 24th, $9.00 admission.

And bring 5 friends to hear Gretchen on Saturday the 25th at the Monroe County Library Auditorium, 4:00. Should be a big crowd.

Click here to read my latest DailyKos diary.

And please, please-- consider donating to the campaign. In these last few weeks, we really need the funds to get our message out. Everything you can give will help, whether it's 9 dollars or 900. And please pass the word on to your friends.

One last thing: YARDSIGNS, get yer yardsigns! They're popping up all over the place! We've got lots of them, so get yours soon-- you'll be the envy of your neighbors. Contact the campaign or drop by the office.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Gretchen in Jasper, Other News

I went with Gretchen to Jasper on Saturday (March 11). Gretchen spoke at a senior citizens home there and met a number of the residents afterward (pictures will be here eventually). She also was in Jasper the previous week to attend a Dubois County Democratic Party event. Jasper is a very interesting town, with a proud German heritage. We had some great German food on our way out of town at the Schnitzelbank.

I also wanted to post a couple of good articles on other blogs which mention Gretchen and the campaign.

The author of "Down With Tyranny" lauds Gretchen for having a website (and campaign) "filled with passion and idealism" and "positions on issues." (this article also appeared on the influential MyDD blog)

And this Illinois blogger has endorsed Gretchen on her page, along with progressive candidates from around the country.

We're always flattered and pleased to get endorsements from outside groups, though obviously the endorsement of 9th District Democrats is what we're really after!

Coming events: Gretchen speaks in Bloomington on March 25th at the Library. Also that week, there will be a bluegrass benefit concert to raise money for the campaign-- details coming soon! Also, Gretchen will be traveling to Dearborn County in the coming weeks.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Gretchen in Columbus

We had a good trip to Columbus, despite the disappointing turnout for Gretchen's speech. We did have a very good interview with the Columbus Republic, which you can read by clicking here.

I've started to see our yardsigns sprouting up-- contact the campaign to get yours!

I also found this interesting site today:

It's an independent site providing info on why the Governor's transportation plan-- which involves selling the Indiana Toll Road and building a new-terrain I-69 which will also be a toll road-- is a bad idea for all Hoosiers.

Mark your calendars-- March 25th at the Monroe County Library, Gretchen will be holding a town hall meeting and Q&A session. And earlier in that week there will be 2 benefit concerts in Bloomington for the campaign (details to come soon).

Also, be sure to check out the main campaign page for info on the volunteer party at our new campaign headquarters-- even if you haven't volunteered yet, come on by!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Gretchen on WFHB

Gretchen was interviewed live last night on WFHB's BloomingOut program. You can listen to a podcast of the show (her interview is right at the beginning) by clicking here, then clicking the "Play" button next to the March 2 show.